Septic Abortion Cases at a Tertiary Centre of Khulna region: A descriptive analysis


Biswas H1 , Khan I A2 , Hannan MA3 , Hafiz S M4 , Akhter N5


This was a descriptive type of study. The study was conducted at a tertiary level hospital of Khulna region. It aimed to evaluatethe incidence, maternal morbidity & mortality, clinical features, management in cases of septic abortion in a tertiary centre.This study included 33 cases of septic abortion admitted during 5 years from January 2006 to January 2011 in the Departmentof obstetrics & Gynecology in Khulna Medical College Hospital. All patients were evaluated with special reference toincidence, etiological factors, clinical features, surgery & maternal morbidity & mortality. The incidence of septic abortion was1.26%. Common age group was between 26-30 years. Most of the cases were from lower socioeconomic status. Septic abortionfollowing spontaneous abortion was present in 4 cases. Unwanted pregnancy was the indication for termination of pregnancyin 29 cases while 4 women were admitted in state of septic shock. 11 cases required laparotomy for drainage of pus, 1 hadhysterectomy, 1 had resection anastomosis & uterus repair was done in 2 cases. Overall maternal mortality was 4 (12.12%).Theincidence of illegal and septic abortion can be reduced by increasing awareness about family planning services and makinglegal abortion services easily available to the women and that too at a cheaper cost.

Keywords: Septic Abortion, Maternal Mortality, Morbidity, Unwanted pregnancy.

  1. Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Gazi Medical College, Khulna

  4. Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine

    North Bengal Medical College, Sirajgang

  5. Consultant, Department of Gynae & Obs

    Khulna Medical College Hospital, Khulna

Volume 1, Number 1 January 2017
Page: 14-17