Maternal & Child Health Care Seeking Behavior of the Rural people of Bangladesh


Catherine S1 , Afroz S2 , Zaman F3 , Biswas K4 , Begum S5


MCH is not a new speciality. It is a method of delivering health care to special group in the population which is especiallyvulnerable to disease, disability or death. MCH problems cover a broad spectrum. The present study was a cross sectional typeof study carried out with the objective of exploring utilization of maternal and child health care services and health care seekingbehavior by the rural people at Bhanga. A preformed interview schedule was used to collect data from a purposively selectedsample of 120 respondents. It was revealed from the study that majority of the people prefers Government qualified doctors astheir first choice of treatment of certain illness. Most of the respondents were aware about immunization programs. About 90%people were found BCG vaccinated, which is a significant one.

Majority of the mothers (61.67%) delivered their last baby at home. It was revealed that people preferred are less motivated about hospital delivery in the study area. As a matter of fact that, pregnant mothers less had TT vaccine of about 40%, which is not too satisfactory.

About family planning, the survey showed that about 80% of the females and 20% males were found practicing familyplanning methods currently. Most of them preferred oral pill (64.95% females) and condom (78% males), MCH programmeshould be strengthened to improve the health status of the community particularly for the mother and children in rural areas.There is also need for strong supervision and monitoring of the maternal health care services throughout the country. EOCprogramme should be implemented to every Upazilla Health Complex as early as possible. It is also necessary that a well-designed community based research should be carried out in rural areas to collect accurate information about the utilization ofmaternal health care services in rural Bangladesh.

Keywords: Maternal & child health problems, MCH services, Care seeking behaviour

  1. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  3. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  4. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  5. Pathologist

    General Hospital, Faridpur

Volume 1, Number 1 January 2017
Page: 22-26