Study on Awareness Regarding Health Hazards among the Garments Workers in a Selected Garment Factory


Tarafdar M A1 , Miah M A M2 , Asaduzzaman A K M3 , Biswas M A4


A descriptive type of cross sectional study was carried out to assess the level of awareness regarding health hazards among thegarments workers in a selected garment factory with a sample size of 129. Study showed that majority of the respondents(93.8%) was in 18-35 years of age and only 6.2% of the respondents were above 35 years of age with mean age of 26.05± 5.549years. It revealed that 42.6 % of the respondents educational status was secondary level followed by 39.5 % was completedprimary, level 1.6 % was graduate and 9.3% was illiterate. Study showed that 77.5% of the respondents were married, 15.5%was unmarried, 4.7% was separated and 2.3% was widows. It explored that 96.9% of the respondents was Muslim and 3.1%was Hindu. 32.6% of the respondents worked at kneeting section, 21.7% was in trumming, 20.2% was in linking, 10.1% was infinishing section and very negligible percent of respondents worked at various sections. It is found from the study that 60.5% ofthe respondents had knowledge on occupational health hazards, 78.3 % had knowledge about training regarding healthhazards, 72.1% had knowledge about training & education regarding operation of instruments and 62% had knowledge aboutlabor laws. Study further revealed that majority of the respondents worked at 8-10 hours, 26.4% worked 6-8 hours and 11.7%worked more than 10 hours. 100% of the garments had sufficient lighting facilities but only 27.1% of the garments hadenclosed harmful materials facilities, 65.2% of the garments had no storage and segregation facilities of hazardous products,64.4% of the garments had no emergency ambulance service and only 35.7% of the garments had proper personal protectiveequipment (PPE). It was found from the study that 100% of the garments had medical center facilities but only 62.8% hadperiodic health check-up. Study revealed that 42.6 % of the respondents source of information about training regarding healthhazards from trainer and 28.7 % from doctors and authority, 35.7% knew about training & education regarding operation ofinstruments from authority, 17.1% from supervisor, 12.4% from HR department and 43.9% from others and 54.9% respondedwere informed about labor laws from the trainer, 27.9% from HR department and 17.1% from authority. Study found astatistically significant association between use of PPE and sex of the respondents (p=0.032). Availability of PPE andenforcement of their use along with display of proper safety signs and information and appropriate places can be effective toincrease workers knowledge and create safer and better work place environment.

Keywords: Garments factory, Health hazards, Awareness

  1. Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine

    ZH Sikder Women’s Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Associate Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine

    Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Sylhet

  3. Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  4. Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Respiretory Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 1, Number 2 July 2017
Page: 11-14