Effects of Human Papillomavirus Infection with Pre-invasive Cervical Lesions: Bangladesh Perspectives

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70357/jdamc.2017.v0102.04

Joarder M1 , Begum S A2 , Ahmad M R3 , Hossin M I4 , Islam S5 , Harun M A A6


In Bangladesh, Cervical cancer is the second most common disease among female with an estimated 11,956 new cases and6,582 deaths in 2012. Hospital based statistics indicated that cervical cancer constitutes 22-35% of the female cancer indifferent areas of Bangladesh. Majority of the patients diagnosed with this preventable cancer present in clinically advancedinoperable stages. Cervical cancer and pre-invasive cervical cancer constitutes a major health problem for the women. Almostall cervical cancers contain genetic material from the high risk HPV types. The screening has dramatically reduced theincidence of the cervical cancer. However in our country cervical cancer has a very high incidence, being the second as a cancerrelated cause of death. In our country perspective there is limited study regarding association of HPV with pre-invasive cervicallesions. The present study was undertaken to identify the Effects of Human Papillomavirus infection with Pre-invasive cervicallesions. This cross sectional study was carried out at the colposcopy clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics department ofBangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University during the period from January 2015 - December 2015. A total of 65consecutive women with VIA +ve cases of all three grades of CIN (CIN I, CIN II, CIN III) were enrolled in this study. Womenhaving VIA-ve cases, patients having invasive cervical disease and women who not interested were excluded in this study.

The study revealed that more than one third (35.3%) patients were in 3 decade. More than one third (35.4%) patients hadnormal colposcopic findings followed by 23(35.4%) was CIN I, 11(16.9%) was CIN II and 8(12.3%) CIN III. Majority(42.6%) patients was found CIN I, 11(26.1%) CIN II, 8(19.4%), CIN III and 5(11.9%) had normal in Histopathology. CIN Ihistopathological finding was found 18 cases, among them 8(44.4%) n positive HC-2/Viral load/ RLU index and 10(55.5%) ininegative HC-2/Viral load/ RLU index. In multivariate analysis CIN III significantly 1.34 times increased HC-2/Viralload/RLU index positive (human Papillomavirus) with 95%CI 0. 22- 8.9%. The difference CIN III was statistically significant(p<0.05). Validity test of benign HPV DNA test of the study women. Benign HPV DNA had sensitivity 51.4%, specificity92.9%, accuracy 69.2%, positive predictive values 90.5% and negative predictive values 59.1%. Benign Colposcopic findinghad sensitivity 86.5%, specificity 64.3%, accuracy 76.9%, positive predictive values 76.2% and negative predictive values78.3%. CIN III significantly 1.34 times increased HC-2/Viral load/ RLU index positive (human Papillomavirus) inmultivariate analysis. Colposcopy is a useful screening test for detection of cervical lesions and Human Papillomavirus foundassociated with pre-invasive cervical lessons. In addition HPV DNA test can also be used as a co-test with Colposcopy forscreening of cervical lesions.

Keywords: Effects, Human Papillomavirus, Infection, Pre-invasive, cervical lesions.

  1. Curator, Department of Anatomy

    Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Department of Obs and Gynae

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka

  3. Dental surgeon and Medical Educationist Consultant

    United Oro-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

  4. Medical Educationist & Dental Surgeon, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Dhaka Dental College Hospital.

  5. Dental Surgeon Consultant

    United Oro-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

  6. Director, (Hospital)

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka

Volume 1, Number 2 July 2017
Page: 19-22