Benefits of Introduction of licensing Examination for Registration of Medical and Dental Practitioners: Bangladesh Perspectives


Harun M A A1 , Habib M A2 , Ahmad M R3 , Hossin M I4 , Joardeer M5 , Islam S6


Basic standard was not maintained in the USA a hundred years ago, when Abraham Flexner was appointed to make a basicstandard for medical education in the USA (Flexner 1910). mmediately after basic degree of health professionals a licensingIexamination for registration to practice medical and dental profession will be of essential tools World Health Organization hasbeen addressing the issue of reorientation of medical education and recognition undergraduate medical education (WHO,ECFMG-1995) for health of population and individual. In Bangladesh govt., non govt. and semi govt. medical and dentalcolleges are providing MBBS and BDS degree. Presently the numbers of medical colleges are about 101 and dental collegesabout 35 (DGHS, MOHFW). Around 5500 medical graduates are coming out as qualified health professionals. Licensingexamination for registration will help to gain knowledge and new developments in medical science. The present study wasundertaken among categories of health professionals, policy makers and administrators to identify the benefits of introductionof licensing examination for registration of medical and dental practitioners n Bangladesh.

It was a cross sectional type of descriptive study conducted among the health policy makers, health administrators, doctorsincluding medical teachers, intern doctors, clinically exposed medical students and patients. The study was conducted atgovernment and non-government medical colleges of Dhaka and outside Dhaka from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016.Totalst threspondents were 372 and information was collected through in-depth interview schedule and self-administered semistructured questionnaire. Benefits of introduction of licensing examination for registration of medical and dental practitioners294(79%) agree, 40(10.8%) strongly agree about Individual professional development with mean score and standard deviation3.98 and ±.571 respectively. Regarding overall professional development, 298(80.1%) agree, 25(6.7%) strongly agree withmean score and standard deviation 3.94 and ±.442 respectively. Introduction of licensing examination for registration ofmedical and dental practitioners will increase Individual professional development and competency.

Keywords: Benefits, Licensing, Examination, Registration, Medical Practitioner, Dental practitioner

  1. Director, (Hospital)

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka

  2. Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy

    Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka Cantonment

  3. Dental surgeon and Medical Educationist Consultant

    United Oro-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

  4. Medical Educationist & Dental Surgeon Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Dhaka Dental College Hospital

  5. Curator, Department of Anatomy

    Dhaka Medical College

  6. Dental Surgeon, Consultant

    United Oro-Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery

Volume 1, Number 2 July 2017
Page: 23-26