Knowledge on Vector Borne Diseases among the Rural People of Modhukhali


Afroz S1 , Catherine S2 , Zaman F3 , Latif A4 , Wadud A5


Vector borne diseases are an emerging challenge for Bangladesh because of low socio-economic condition, poor housing, pooreducational status, water pollution, soil pollution and climate change in rural area. Until now a very little attention has been paidon this issue in Bangladesh .The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge status of the people at Modhukhali. For thispurpose a cross sectional study was conducted to collect data from a purposively selected sample of 390 respondents. It wasrevealed from the study that most of the respondents, 98.97% were Muslims. Literacy rate of rural people of Modhukhali wasgood. The result indicates that about 19.23% people were illiterate but most of the respondents were aware about the majorvector borne diseases.

The study revealed that about 88.72% people knew about danger of using surface water for all purposes. About 47.44% peopleattend at any health education program. About 88.20% people know about diseases produced by mosquito and housefly. About74.62% people know about malaria produced by mosquito .About 81.54% people know about diarrhoea produced by housefly.About 73.10% people know about dengue fever. About 18.46% people know about filariasis, about 15.12% know about kala-azar and about 35.38% people know about mode of transmission of typhoid.

Health care service provider and the concerned authority paid some attention to the vector borne diseases and to the influencingfactors but yet there are some lack in rural areas. The rural people should be made aware before they get the diseases. Govtshould allocate budget and organize skillful training facility to these entire health service providers. On this purpose there is alsoneed for strong supervision and monitoring of the vector borne diseases care services and their prevention throughout thecountry. Beside this Govt should also consider about environmental sanitation and safe water supply to improve the situation.

Keywords: Vector borne diseases, Malaria, Kala-azar, safe water supply, sanitary latrine

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  3. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  4. Consultant, Department of Radiology and Immaging

    General Hospital, Madaripur

  5. Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology

    Faridpur Medical College

Volume 1, Number 2 July 2017
Page: 27-31