Parental Social Relationship and Adolescent Depression


Akhiruzzaman1 , Morshed MS2 , Tapu PA3 , Rahman MA4 , Mahjabin A5 , Rahman MA6 , Morshed ME7


This cross sectional study was carried out among 141 randomly selected adolescents and their parents in four sectors of Uttara modeltown from January to December 2017 to assess the association between parental social relationship and adolescent depression. Aftertaking informed written consent, data were collected by face to face interview with the help of a semi structured questionnaire. Thendata were processed, cleaned and analyzed accordingly. Ethical issues were followed at every stages of this study.

Among the adolescents, males were higher (67.4%) than females (32.6%) and their mean(±SD) age was 15.35(±0.98) years.Most (93.6%) of them had secondary level education and belonged nuclear family (83.7%). Average monthly family incomewas Tk 61141.84(±33394.09). More than half (57.4%) adolescent had no or minimum depression whereas 22.0% had milddepression 14.2% had moderate depression and 6.4% had severe depression. More than four fifth (83.7%) of the adolescent'sparents almost always had good relation with those around, whereas three fifth (58.9%) parents sometimes get emotionalsupport that is needed and nearly two third (72.3%) parents sometimes give and receive affection. There was significantassociation between communication of parents with other (p<0.01), give and receive affection (p<0.01) and positive thinkingmentality (p<0.01) with level of adolescent depression. In social relationship domain, mean(±SD) score was found amongparents was higher 10.48(±1.226) when adolescents had no or minimal depression and among severely depressed adolescentstheir parental mean(±SD) score was lower 7.56(±2.404) (ANOVA, p< 0.05).

Adolescent depression is significantly associated with parental social relationship. Effective measures must be taken to prevent adolescent depression by improving parental social relation. Which may contributes effectively to develop our nation.

Keywords: Depression, Adolescent depression, Social relationship, Parental social relationship, Adolescent parent relation.

  1. Assistant professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Abdur Rahim Medical College, Dinazpur

  3. Medical Officer

    National Heart Foundation Dhaka

  4. Senior Staff Nurse, Department of Orthopedics

    Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU)

  5. Lecturer, Department of Pathology

    Central Medical College, Dhaka

  6. Assistant professor, Department of Pharmacology

    Ad-Din Akij Medical College, Khulna

  7. Project Officer Health

    Public Health Improvement Initiative Development association for self reliance communication and health, Rajshahi

Volume 2, Number 1 January 2018
Page: 15-18