Cavernous Haemangioma- Uncommon Per rectal Bleeding


Rahman MM1 , Habib A2 , Rahman MS3 , ChowdhuryAAMAM4 , Akter H5


Haemangiomas are uncommon in GIT, but cavernous haemangiomas are relatively common. Therefore this report is a case ofcavernous haemangioma in descending colon in a young male patient of 21 years present with colicky left upper abdominalpain and per rectal bleeding for 3 years. On clinical examination and imaging a pedunculated polypoid mass detected indescending colon. After laparotomy with left haemicolectomy a venous haemangioma found (confirmed by histopathologyexamination) surgical resection confirms this as benign tumor having good prognosis.

Keywords: Cavernous haemangioma, per rectal bleeding, haemicolectomy, laparotomy

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Surgery

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Senior Consultant

    Madaripur Sadar Hospital

  3. Associate Professor, Department of Urology

    Women's Medical College, Sylhet

  4. Assistant Professor, Department of Anastheology

    President Abdul Hamid Medical College, Kishorganj

  5. Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 2, Number 1 January 2018
Page: 45-47