Outcome of Treatment of Locally Advanced Oral Cavity Cancer with Concurrent Chemo-Radiation in Comparison to Radiotherapy Alone

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70357/jdamc.2018.v0202.05

Akter H1 , Hosen MMA2 , Khatun J3 , Ahmed S4


According to the World Health Report 2004, Oral cancer is more common in developing than developed countries. At least95% of the head-neck cancers are squamous cell carcinoma and arising most commonly in the oral cavity. Non operativetreatment strategies for oral cancer involving radiation and chemotherapy continue to evolve with the most current trend beingthat of concurrent chemoradiotherapy. The study was conducted to compare the outcome of concurrent chemo-radiationtherapy and radiotherapy alone in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. The study was designed with 62patients of squamous cell carcinoma of oral cavity and was divided into two study groups. Concurrent chemo-radiation group(Group A) consisting 31 patients treated by radiotherapy of 66 Gy in 33 fraction for 6.5 weeks and concurrent chemotherapy2with three cycles of cisplatin (75mg/m ) per day 3 weeks apart . Another 31 patients (Group-B) were treated with radiotherapyalone by 66 Gy in 33 fractions for 6.5 weeks. Comparison between concurrent chemo-radiation and radiotherapy alone werestudied. In this study, in chemo-radiotherapy group (Group-A) complete response (CR) was found in 20 (64.52%) cases andpartial response (PR) was found in 11 (35.48%) cases. In radiotherapy group (Group-B) complete response (CR) was found in12 (38.71%) cases and partial response (PR) was found in 19 (61.29%) cases. It was found that complete and partial response2 2was 100%. Calculated χ value was 4.14 which is greater than the table value of χ i.e. 3.84. Statistically the result wassignificant (P<0.05). So, for better treatment outcome concurrent chemoradiotherapy can be offered for loco-regionallyadvanced squamous cell carcinoma originating from oral cavity region.

Keywords: Chemo-radiation, Squamous cell carcinoma, oral cavity, Cisplatin

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Oncology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Assistant Professor

    Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Science, Rajshahi

  3. Indoor medical officer, Department of Oncology

    Rajshahi Medical College Hospital

  4. Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 2, Number 2 July 2018
Page: 21-25