Biswas B K1


Paediatricians have been facing a very commoncomplaints: ‘‘Look doctor, my child is thin & has beenbecoming thinner day by day and not eating enough.”Although their kids achieved almost all the parameters ofnormal growth & development. Traditionally, a fat child isconsidered as an ‘‘attractive’’ child and is often referred toas an ‘‘healthy” child. However, the adverse effects andserious consequences of childhood obesity are now provenbeyond doubt. At least 30% of obesity begins at childhood.Conversely 50 to 80% of obese children, become obeseadults Many longitudinal studies have demonstrated1.convincingly, the higher risks of child onset obesity In2,3.the Harvard study, morbidity from cardiovascular disease,diabetes, obesity related cancers and arthritis was 50 to100% higher in obese individuals who were also obese aschildren and the cardiovascular mortality in suchindividuals was doubled.


  1. Department of Paediatrics

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 3, Number 1 January 2019
Page: 9-10