Nipah Virus: A Zoonotic Pathogen Endemic to Bangladesh


Khandaker S1


'Nipah' called upon the name of a Malaysianvillage,Kampung Sungai Nipah , where the first outbreakwas reported in 1999 among the pig farmers. Nipah Virus(NiV) is an emerging and serious zoonotic disease that hasa high case fatality rate (approximately 70% or more). It isendemic primarily in the Indo-Bangladesh regions. Since1997 NiV infection has emerged repeatedly in South EastAsia including Bangladesh. From 2001-2018, Bangladeshreported 303 NiV cases, accounting for 211 deaths(approximately a 70 case fatality rate). NiV infection isassociated with contact with animals; an environmentalexposure, activity, or behavior; or contact with other NiVencephalitis patients. The high mortality rate, broadspecies tropism, multiple plausible modes of transmission,risk of person-person transmission and documented casesof health care workers being affected during outbreaks has made it a public health issue.


  1. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 3, Number 2 July 2019
Page: 9-11