Reproductive Health: Concealed Issues among Rural Adolescent School Girls


Begum H1 , Haque S2 , Asadullah3 , Banu S4


Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescence as the period of life between 10 and 19 years of age. Adolescents compose 24% of the total population in Bangladesh, and about 54% of them are females. Various government and nongovernment agencies have conducted some limited studies on the awareness of reproductive health among adolescents in isolation. Therefore, this study was a modest attempt to explore the issues like; knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs and AIDS), opinion about reproductive health problem, opinion as their choice for any health care center for reproductive health problems, opinion about information need to be added in school books on reproductive health.

Objective: To explore the alertness on the reproductive health problems among rural adolescents school going girls.

Methods: This was a descriptive cross sectional study carried out among 185 adolescent girls (10-19 years of age) in two schools (Ased and Shahin school) at Savar Upozilla, Dhaka. The respondents were selected purposively as per non-probability sampling technique.

Results: The mean age of the respondents were 14.5 years. Majority (57.3%) respondents had knowledge about STDS & AIDS and rest 42.7% did not know about STDS & AIDS. Regarding discussion of reproductive health problems with others almost all (95.7%) discuss with others and only 3.3%. did not. Concerning choice to select health care centre for solving their reproductive health problems (64.3%) respondents opined that they select any health care centre for sowing their reproductive health probuns and rest 35.7% did not do that. Regarding opinion about adding of reproductive information in school books, majority (74.6%) think that it should be added and rest 25.4% did not agree with the opinion of adding of reproductive information in school books.

Conclusion: The study showed that adolescent school going girls had various misconceptions about reproductive health. This situation was due to the fact that not only the teachers, even their parents hesitate to discuss such issues with them and more over there is no much knowledge on this subject among the parents.

Keywords: Reproductive health, adolescents, rural school girls

  1. Assistant professor, Department of Community Medicine


  2. Assistant professor, Department of Community Medicine


  3. Associate professor, Department of Orthopedics


  4. MS resident of Ophthalmology


Volume 4, Number 2 July 2020
Page: 5-7