Community Based Medical Education: An Approach and Challenges towards Deep Learning


Asaduzzaman A K M1 , Akhiruzzaman2


The goal of medical education is to produce such graduates who is an educated, human person, who demonstrate a capacity forcontinuing self-education, who shows evidence of having sufficient knowledge & understanding, skills and attitudes to takesome responsibility, the standard of medical education must be relate to the level of performance and expertise of the country.Medical education must be relevant to the needs of the society in which it exists. The health needs are changing rapidly in manysocieties, so the medical education policy must be responsive to the changing needs. Community Based Medical Education(CBME) is now recognized as an important addition to the methods available in medical education in the community becausethe skills of the graduates are needed in the community more than tertiary hospital. Unfortunately medical education as it ispractical in most of educational institution for the health professions is quite skewed forward the live of individuals in tertiarycare whose problems represents only the tip of the ice berg of the prevailing community. Community Based Education CBE) isclosely related to but not the same as Community Oriented Medical Education (COME). The distinction between communityoriented & community based education is not very clear. Community oriented medical education is a type of training of healthpersonnel that focuses on both population groups and individuals and that takes into account the health needs of the communityconcerned. It refers to the objectives of the school and their relevance to community health needs. Those objectives arereflected in the content of the curriculum. This means that the subject studied by the students has direct relevance with regard tothe priority health problems of the society for which these students are trained. Community based education on the other hand,refers to learning activities that take place in a particulars setting the community setting. This review article is an attempt toexplore the idea of CBE types & approaches, its principles, importance & advantages including its implementation challenges,difficulties & constraints. The paper will also explore the matter of CBE planning considerations as well as criteria's for siteselection in addition to student's assessment procedures in particular. Several problems creating in approaches & classifyingCBE has also been explored adequately.

Keywords: Community Based Medical Education (CBME), Community Oriented Medical Education (COME)

  1. Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 4, Number 2 July 2020
Page: 22-29