Preventive Practice with Hepatitis-B Vaccine among the Lab Technicians of some Selected Hospitals in Dhaka City


Ahmed S U1 , Mafiz I2


Background: Hepatitis B, an acute inflammatory disease of the liver or a form of viral hepatitis is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). About 2 billion people worldwide have been infected with the virus and about 350 million live with chronic infection. Hepatitis B is the most important infectious occupational hazard which the lab technicians encounter. Healthcare personnel specially lab technicians represents a high risk population for HBV infection.

Objective: The study was conducted to determine the practice of Hepatitis B vaccination among lab technicians working in hospitals. The study also explores the reasons of not taking hepatitis B vaccine by a group of lab technicians. Methods: It was a descriptive cross sectional study conducted through face to face interview using a semi-structured questionnaire among lab technicians in two hospitals of Dhaka city (Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital & City Dental College) from January to June 2010. A total 120 respondents were included purposively as respondents.

Results: Among 120 respondents, most(65.0%) of them received vaccine whereas 35.0% did not take any vaccine. Among the respondents who initiate vaccination about 48.1% finished taking the vaccines whereas 51.9% did not finish taking the vaccines. Negligence was found to be the major cause for not taking the vaccine and very few of them perceived that the prevalence of Hepatitis B remains high among lab technicians.

Conclusion: All hospital personnel including lab technicians should be trained up on the importance of Hepatitis-B vaccination with a view to self motivation and can also motivate their clients, relatives and general population. Scope of orientation courses at interval for the lab technicians can enhance motivation towards wider coverage of hepatitis B vaccination for this group of health care personnel in particular.


  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital and Medical College, Dhaka

  2. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Holy Family Red Crescent Hospital and Medical College, Dhaka

Volume 5, Number 1 January 2021
Page: 27-30