An Update on COVID-19: Clinico-pathology & Epidemiological Perspective


Ahad MA1 , Kamal SM2 , Islam MN3


Novel Corona virus is a highly infectious and contagious virus producing pandemic throughout the world with high morbidityand mortality. It causes primarily respiratory tract infection and also affects gastrointestinal system, nervous system, endocrinesystem and others. RT-PCR is the gold standard test. Management is primarily symptomatic. Most people recoverspontaneously and few patients requiring oxygen and ventilation. For prevention of transmission of viruses vaccination andsome healthy practice should be maintained like frequent washing of hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or usingan alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol, avoiding touching face, nose, or mouth with unwashedhands, use of face mask, avoiding close contact with people who are sick. This article highlights an update of clinico-pathologyand epidemiological aspects including its clinical manifestations and preventive measures in deed.

Keywords: Novel corona virus, Gastro corona virus, Pandemic, Contagious, COVID-19

  1. Professor, Department of Gastroenterology & Principal

    Khulna City Medical College, Khulna

  2. Professor, Department of Medicine

    Khulna City Medical College, Khulna

  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

    Khulna City Medical College, Khulna

Volume 5, Number 2 July 2021
Page: 34-37