A Catastrophic Consequence: Cervical Ectopic Pregnancy

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70357/jdamc.2021.v0502.09

Begum P1


Cervical pregnancy is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy with an estimated incidence of 0.1-1% of all ectopic pregnancies. It isdefined as a pregnancy that implants in the cervical canal below the internal os and within the cervical mucosa. Treatmentvaries from conservative management to hysterectomy depending on the clinical presentation and the time of diagnosis.Diagnosis may be missed unless the clinician and the radiologist are aware of this entity. We present a case of cervicalpregnancy in a 36 years old female who was diagnosed outside as missed abortion and was referred for termination ofpregnancy. During dilatation and evacuation, she had severe uncontrollable bleeding. Laparotomy revealed the presence of anectopic cervical pregnancy for which hysterectomy had to be done. This case is prsented to highlight the importance of correctdiagnosis in these cases to avoid such a catastrophe.

Keywords: Cervical pregnancy, Ectopic pregnancy, Hysterectomy

  1. Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 5, Number 2 July 2021
Page: 38-39