A Suicidal Teen: Help Knowing the Warning Signs and Risk Factors

DOI: https://doi.org/10.70357/jdamc.2022.v0601.01



Suicide is such an unexplained, meaningless, tragic,contradictory and mystified complex public healthproblem having dimensions of physical, biological,somatic, mental, psychological, psychiatric, cultural,social and spiritual phenomenon. In spite of the severalidentified background factors, the real reasons behindsuicide is not clear, because suicide is multi-causal, and cannever be traced back to one single cause. However, thestrongest suicide risk factor is an unrecognized anduntreated mental disorder. Suicide among young people is1one of the most serious public health problems. Accordingto the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) suicide is the2second leading cause of death for teens and young adults.The suicide rate among teenage girls reached an all-timehigh in 2015. The analysis found an increase in teensuicides across the board between 2007 and 2015. Thesuicide rate increased 31% for teen boys and doubled for teen girls during this time period.

The numbers are a sobering reminder that suicide is agrowing public health concern and that teens are aparticularly vulnerable group. Research shows that teen4depression is on the rise and suicide is always a risk during5the course of a major depressive episode. World HealthOrganization Global Health Observatory estimatesreported suicide rate in Bangladesh is 7.8 per 100,0006population in 2012. However, in a paper published byFeroz et al., reported that suicide rate was 30.4% below 207years of age in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Police are theonly authorities to keep track of the suicides in the country.According to their 2017 statistics, on average around 30people commit suicide every day. Statistics show that9,665 people committed suicide in 2010 and the numberrose to 11,095 in 2017 among them the largest portion wasbelow 20 years of age. But the police, activists and expertsconcur strongly that the actual numbers would be much higher as many incidents go unreported.

So it is time to take action against teen suicide. At first we have to know about the warning signs of suicide and also know about, how to help the teens to prevent the catastrophic event.


  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 6, Number 1 January 2022
Page: 3-5