Nipah Virus Infection: Current Situation and Public Health Measures in Bangladesh


Asha DA1


The Nipah virus (NiV) infection is one of the newly1emerging deadly zoonotic diseases in Bangladesh. Nipahvirus can be transmitted to humans from animals (such asbats or pigs), or contaminated foods and can also betransmitted directly from human-to-human. Fruit bats ofthe Pteropodidae family are the natural host of Nipah virus.Outbreak of this infection is seasonal in Bangladesh, andusually occur annually between December & May. Thefirst case of Bangladesh was reported in 2001 and thenumber of yearly cases has ranged from zero to 67 thoughin the last five years, reported cases have beencomparatively lower ranging from zero in 2016 to eight in2019. A totals of 325 cases were detected till 2022 among2which 229 were died due to this infection. This articlehighlights history and epidemiology of nipah virusInfection, clinical characteristics of nipah cases inBangladesh, year and district wise case distribution (2001-2022) in Bangladesh. In addition it also highlights publichealth responses and raising public awareness for takingpreventive measures.


  1. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 6, Number 2 July 2022
Page: 3-5