Fundamentals of Students Assessment and its Dimensions in Medical Education


Asaduzzaman AKM1 , Akhiruzzaman2


Assessment is the measure of students' performance or it is the process of testing a student's ability. During all phases ofmedical education & practice, medical students and physicians are constantly being assessed for multiple purposes. In medicalschool, assessment should guide and promote learning by providing feedback to the student on how well progress is beingmade, assure the predetermined competence of the graduates produced by the school and help in developing a habit forcontinued learning. It is true that most teachers employ assessment as one of the most important motivators of medical students.Assessment is necessary at all the stages of a medical student's life. From selection into medical schools, yet it was only duringthe past three decades that assessment in medical school came to be accepted and studied as a rational and useful application ineducational science. The international, national & institutional centers of medical educational science & research have played avery significant role in this process of change. Therefore, it is now the desire of the most medical teachers to hear from theenlightened teachers views about numerous technical aspects of assessment, observe them constructing higher quality testinstruments and in general, spend more time attempting to improve the assessment techniques that they wish to use. As aconsequence it is natural that assessment instruments that are being used in medical schools have improved considerably &medical teacher have developed greater expertise in using more and more valid and reliable assessment procedures.

This article highlights the functional requirements of all assessments, assessment scheme, evaluation and the application ofassessment findings, four simple questions on quality improvement in assessment, blooms taxonomy, authentic assessmentand its difference with traditional assessment, The article also indicates the domain based tests & types /assessment tools,criteria / qualities of a good test, test construction, possible barriers and clues in test items, including five vital questions needsto be considered in relation to assessment as well

Keywords: Assessment, Medical Education, test blueprint, Validity, Reliability, Objectivity

  1. Professor, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 6, Number 2 July 2022
Page: 38-45