Preventive Strategies in Geriatric Medicine: A Comprehensive Review


Rahman MM1 , Asha DA2 , Ferdous F3


Majority of people above age of 60 live in rural areas with lack of adequate health services, economic and social services, andhaving limited work opportunities for this group of people. The growing trends towards the nuclear family making childrenlive in the city or abroad are putting the elderly parents under vulnerability. The goal of geriatric medicine is to enhance thequality of life for aged by focusing on prevention and comprehensive management of age-related disorders. The proportion ofgeriatric (age above 60 years) populations has been increasing day by day. It was 11.3% in 2022 (Bangladesh Bureau ofStatistics, 2023). Therefore, geriatricians have the prospective wider scope to help their clients in maintaining their health,independence, and well-being in particular. Aged people suffer from multiple health problems like; weakness, tooth problem,hearing problem, vision problem, body ache, back pain, rheumatic pain and stiffness in joint, dementia, prolonged cough,breathing difficulty, asthma, palpitation, high blood pressure and micturation difficulties in addition to long term noncommunicablediseases, in addition to psychological & social problems in particular. These groups of people are vulnerable toabuse, isolation, economy, illness emotion, family burden including decrease body resistance, chronic diseases, and detachedfamily members. In addition absence of strong social security system, less employment opportunity, high treatment cost, andabsence of adequate health facilities for elderly, lack of laws for elderly people, and friendly environments in the society. In thiscontext improved geriatric medicine practice can enhance the quality of life for the aged by focusing on prevention andcomprehensive management of age-related disorders through holistic approach. Geriatricians would be able to help theirconsumers in maintaining their health, independence, and well-being by well trained & coordinated multidisciplinary teamapproach utilizing all levels of health care delivery system in the country in particular.

Keywords: Geriatrics, Geriatrician, Clients, Multidisciplinary, Vulnerability, and Team approach

  1. Ex. Head. Department of Community Medicine

    NIPSOM Mohakhali, Dhaka

  2. Lecturer, Department of Community Medicine

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  3. Medical Officer

    Emergency Response and Pandemic Preparedness Project

Volume 7, Number 2 July 2023
Page: 32-35