Penile Fracture: A Case Report


Miah ZI1 , Khandaker S2 , Sarkar M3


Fracture penis during intercourse is uncommon but a real urological emergency. Most of the cases remain underreported due to the shyness to describe it. Rupture of tunica albuginea typically occur when the erect penile corpora areforced to buckle and literally “pop” under the pressure of a blunt sexual trauma. Patients typically describe immediatedetumescence, severe pain, and swelling as a result of the injury. Diagnosis is usually done upon the history andclinical examination. Prompt surgical exploration and corporal repair is the most efficacious therapy for minimalcomplication and excellent result.


  1. Professor & Head, Department of Urology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  2. Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine & Public Health

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

  3. Assistant Registrar, Department of Urology

    Diabetic Association Medical College, Faridpur

Volume 8, Number 1 January 2024
Page: 40-43